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Car Exhaust Laws In Illinois

Car Exhaust Laws in Illinois

Illinois Exhaust Noise Regulations

According to Illinois state law, motor vehicles are prohibited from producing excessive or unusual noise. This includes noise from exhaust systems. The law defines excessive noise as any noise that is more than 90 decibels at a distance of 50 feet from the source. Unusual noise is defined as any noise that is not commonly produced by a properly operating vehicle of the same type.

Penalties for Violating Exhaust Noise Laws

Violating exhaust noise laws in Illinois can result in fines and other penalties. The amount of the fine will vary depending on the severity of the violation. Repeat offenders may also have their vehicles impounded.

How to Avoid Violating Exhaust Noise Laws

There are a number of things you can do to avoid violating exhaust noise laws in Illinois. These include:

  • Installing a muffler that meets the legal requirements.
  • Maintaining your muffler in good working condition.
  • Avoiding driving in a manner that creates excessive noise.


Exhaust noise laws in Illinois are in place to protect the public from excessive noise pollution. By following these laws, you can help to keep your community safe and quiet.
